Well it’s summer again. Time for sun, barbeques, beach trips… and in case you can’t do any of those because of (oh I don’t know…) a pandemic, heat wave, wildfire, or any combination thereof, it’s also:
the annual Summer Steam Sale!
In honor of the much loved, dependably good video game sale extravaganza, I bring to you my top ten picks for the sale.
These are tried and true perennial favorites of mine that I have played and replayed and think they’re a bargain at the sale price. Heck, they’re well worth the regular price, as well.
I don’t pretend these are everyone’s favorites or the newest games, but they’re my personal favorites.
The sale runs from June 24, 2021 to July 8, 2021 on the Steam store, so don’t delay!
Note: I’ve included prices for your convenience only, they are of course subject to change.
And so, in no particular order:
Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium: You play as a good detective with not-so-good fashion sense.
If you’re in the mood for: A dark, gripping, literary tale full of smart humor
Reg Price: $39.99
Discount: 35% off
Sale Price: $25.99
Don’t Starve Together

If you’re in the mood for: A creepy cute survival game you can play with friends
Regular Price: $14.99
Discount: 66% Off
Sale Price: $5.09
Plus you get an extra copy to send to a friend! This deal is totally a no brainer

If you’re in the mood for: A Sci-fi story generator set over a base building game
Regular Price: $34.99
Discount: 10% off
Sale Price: $31.49
This game has only recently begun going on sale at all, so 10% isn’t bad. I paid full price and it is definitely worth it.

Stardew Valley
If you’re in the mood for: A light-hearted, life-affirming farming sim you can play with friends
Regular Price: $14.99
Discount: 40% off
Sale Price: $8.99
This game has also come out semi-recently for the Switch, but I highly recommend playing it on Steam for the mods. The latest base game update has added many of the quality of life upgrade mods that I’ve come to rely on for playing, but there are still many that I find indispensable.

If you’re in the mood for: Pretending you’re freezing to death instead of sweating your way through a heat wave
This game has a mature content warning
Regular Price: $29.99
Discount: 67% off
Sale: $9.89

No Man’s Sky
If you’re in the mood for: Chill space exploration
Regular Price: $59.99
Discount: 50% off
Sale Price: $29.99

Oxygen Not Included
If you’re in the mood for: Engineering cute liquid and gas management systems
Regular Price: $24.99
Discount: 60% off
Sale Price: $9.99

Papers Please
If you’re in the mood for: Thought provoking story with retro graphics and ethical choices
Regular Price: $9.99
Discount: 50% off
Sale: $4.99

Risk of Rain 2
If you’re in the mood for: Extremely addictive rogue-lite shoot em up that’s fun solo or in a group of friends
Regular Price: $24.99
Discount: 33% off
Sale Price: $6.74

Kathy Rain
If you’re in the mood for: Moody 90’s point and click adventure game with sarcastic female main character
Regular Price: $14.99
Discount: 80% off
Sale Price: $2.99
Bonus Selection:

Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon
If you’re in the mood for: A child’s game. Literally, a 90’s child’s game.
Reg Price: $6.99
Discount: 50% off
Sale Price: $3.49